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About Jules

Jules is a popular yoga instructor with nearly 20 years' experience

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion."
Luciano Pavarotti

Photo of Jules

I first fell in love with yoga in 2003 and have been teaching on and off since 2004. It is a cherished and necessary part of my life and an integral part of who I am and how I see the world.

You can read all about my yoga journey here or just give me a call and let's have a good chat and compare stories about yoga on and off the mat! Join my mailing list to keep up to date with all my yoga news.

My training and qualifications

Yoga Teacher Training course with the Yoga Sanctuary in Southampton 
Three-day teacher training refresher course with Jason Crandell at TriYoga 
Essential Yoga Anatomy course with Jason Crandell and Paul B. Roache, MD 
Member of the Independent Yoga Network

My personal story

I first found yoga in 2003 when my sisters took me along to their local class.

Some people fall in love gradually. For me, it was a head-over-heels moment. I fell completely and all at once!

After an intense year of tuition and personal practice I completed my teacher training at the old Yoga Sanctuary in Southampton in 2004.

For many years I taught mainly one-to-one and small group classes alongside work in music and corporate PR.

Like all great love affairs, we've had our ups and downs. In my busyness, I neglected yoga for some time.

Yoga brought me back to life

In 2012 I suffered a debilitating whiplash injury which was followed by periods of chronic anxiety and depression. During this time health became my one priority and yoga and meditation went from being a luxury to a necessity.

It is safe to say I found yoga quite ‘easy’ when I started. My body was young and open and relatively injury-free. I enjoyed the practice and ‘progressed’ quickly. I took yoga, and my health, for granted. 

My injuries gifted me with a humility towards myself and in yoga that I had never before needed nor experienced. 

My practice brought me back to health and I fell in love with yoga all over again.

I share this story to outline two things: First, it is amazing what yoga can heal. And second, I know what it’s like to be in pain in every posture so I'll always be sensitive to my students' needs. Read more about yoga with injuries.

Looking to go deeper, I have since taken a couple of intensive courses with the amazing Jason Crandell based in California: one on the Essentials of Yoga Anatomy and another for experienced teachers looking to refresh their practice.

An arty photo of Jules in a backbend

Yoga as my career

Thanks to this life-changing time, I made the decision in 2013 to leave the corporate world and bring yoga to the fore of my professional life.

I wanted to share my hard-won wisdom and make sure health and wellbeing remained at the centre of my focus.

Soon after this I made the decision I was recommended to teach at Lymington Health and Leisure Centre in the New Forest. I loved my classes in Lymington and taught there for 18 months.

I developed and ran yoga workshops with my sister Jo in Emery Down, New Forest for a couple of years which was a really joyful experience. Jo now runs an amazing holistic therapy practice - Sacred Journeys - based in Lymington.

In 2014, I was offered the opportunity to teach in a private studio in Southampton where I developed a community with some beautiful people, running weekly classes and personal sessions. 

I took a step by from public classes and devoted my time to private session and bespoke workshops. Most of my one-to-one students are some of the best friends I've ever had and I count myself very lucky to know them.

My bespoke workshops cover fundamental yoga themes; to support a healthy lifestyle. I also teach yoga workshops for singers and dancers. 

I relocated recently to Basingstoke in 2022 and now teach predominantly online although I travel for some clients and further afield for workshops.

Yoga in my life now

These days, yoga is a cherished and necessary part of my life. It is an integral part of who I am and how I see the world.

I apply yoga everywhere - not just on the mat. I use the alignments to ease my body throughout the day. I use the ujjayi breath on and off without even noticing it, and I use the meditation techniques whenever I need them (which is often!)

Yoga is like my best friend - it's the place I go to reconnect. Sometimes I neglect it but it's always there for me. And I honestly don't know who or where I'd be without it.

Photo of Jules in Chaturanga

My approach to teaching

Teaching yoga is a natural extension of my own practice. I can't help but share it! I believe it's about helping you to feel good in your body, and showing you that you can happily sit still and quietly with yourself without going crazy!

I aim for my classes to be challenging but fun. I don’t subscribe to the mantra ‘no pain, no gain’. There is enough pain in this world. We don’t need to create more for the sake of ‘self-improvement’. 

Enjoy the practice for what it is, and you’ll be amazed by what it will give you. 

Jules x

If you have any questions, please just contact me or check out my FAQs.

What her students say:

“Excellent teacher. What I was looking for. Caring and knows yoga 100% so you won’t be guided in the wrong direction. Lovely person too. Thank you for understanding my personal needs.” - Yvonne

“Really enjoyed classes with Jules. Always great atmosphere. Makes you feel welcome. Great person.” - Edd

Read more testimonials.