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Yoga Classes

Yoga classes with Jules online

Jules has recently relocated and is available to teach yoga and meditation classes in Basingstoke and the surrounding area. Having just moved from Southampton, she isn't yet running her own classes.

If you have a venue and you need a local yoga teacher to cover an existing class or set up a new one, get in touch with Jules now.

Looking for online yoga classes? Jules is in the process of organising some so sign up to her mailing list and she can keep you in the loop with developments or contact her directly to express your interest. 

In the meantime, why not book a private session in your own home or online?

Jules' studio in Southampton

Style of yoga:

The style of yoga I teach is based on Ashtanga Vinyasa with emphasis on the co-ordination of breath with movement in - and between - classic postures.

Each session ends with a short meditation by candlelight. You will never be rushed out at the end of the class so you can sit or lie in that delicious yogic stillness for as long as you like!

Fruit and water is also offered afterwards, at no extra charge, to bring you back to reality slowly. Read more about the style of yoga here.

I teach with a backdrop of beautiful music to inspire and invigorate. You can see my yoga playlists here or follow me on Spotify.

What her students say:

"Jules has a fantastic amount of knowledge and enthusiasm for Yoga and this shines through in her teaching. The classes are for all ages and abilities and you’ll soon find you’re benefitting not just in your body, but equally the mind and soul alike. Say goodbye to the stresses of the 9-5, it really works…  you’ll leave smiling, inspired and energised." - Craig

"I so look forward to my weekly yoga sessions with Jules. Her calm and gentle persona ensures sessions that are relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable. Smaller, more personal classes allow complete support in all breathing and sequences and therefore correct practice. Thus, my fitness and well-being have certainly been noticeably enhanced. I highly recommend Jules and her yoga classes!" - Becky

Read more testimonials.