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Yoga with injuries

I have injuries. Can I do yoga?

“The pose begins when you want to get out of it.”
Baron Baptiste

Q: I have injuries. Can I do yoga?

A: Yes. Always get advice from your doctor or specialist first. However, yoga can heal all sorts of injuries and health problems.

Yoga teaches us to find and explore our ‘edges’, places of tension or resistance or discomfort. Everyone has them. If you have injuries, it just means you may find them a little sooner in postures than someone else.

However, if you look around the room, you’ll always discover there is a pose you find easy that someone else finds excruciating. We’re all different. And yoga meets you where you are.

I will always give you variations to help you challenge your limitations and overcome injuries in relative comfort. The most important thing is to stay with it; those edges move and injuries - even long-standing conditions - do heal.

Jules' story

In 2012 I suffered a debilitating whiplash injury which meant I couldn't do the simplest things. I couldn't lift the kettle without pain and even the simplest yoga postures felt impossible.

I share this story with my students to outline two important things: First, it is amazing what yoga can heal. And second, I know what it’s like to be in pain in every posture.  

It is safe to say I found yoga quite ‘easy’ when I started. My injuries brought a humility to my practice that I’d never before needed nor experienced.

In yoga we have what we call a ‘beginner’s mind’ which means to come to the mat every time as if it were the first time, curious and open to how the body feels and what it needs.

When I started yoga my body was young and open and relatively injury-free. I enjoyed the practice and ‘progressed’ quickly.

My injury gave me back my beginner’s mind. This is the best and only place to start, and I will always be grateful for what I have learnt from the experience. I still live, and practice, with my injuries today.

If you have injuries and you aren't sure whether yoga is right for you, just give me a call and we can discuss your needs.

What her students say:

“I have been attending Jules’ classes for the past 3 terms. As a distance runner she has been able to work around my sporadic injuries and my back feels better than it has in years. Progression has been at a steady pace and I look forward to my weekly class. My increased confidence means I regularly use these postures in my day to day life.” - Simon

"Wonderful, amazing, very relaxing. For me very helpful because I have got problem with my back. Now I feel lots better. Teacher the best!! Thank you very much!” - Agnieszka

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