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Yoga Workshops

Bespoke and drop-in yoga workshops for your personal needs

Jules offers three types of yoga workshop. Sign up for her mailing list to hear about future workshops or get in touch to organise your own.

ॐ Drop-in workshops - designed and organised by Jules on popular themes. You simply pay per person and just turn up on the day - online or in real life!

Bespoke yoga workshops - designed by Jules for the needs of your group or company. You pay per workshop or series and you book the participants. Available online or in-person.

Pre-recorded workshops - designed and delivered by Jules on popular themes for students to use in their own time. You pay per person for access to a pre-recorded video. 

Scroll down for pricing, availability and workshop themes.

Jules teaching a yoga for singers workshop for Raw Voices in Winchester
Teaching a 'Yoga for Singers' workshop to Raw Voices in Winchester as part of their summer school


Drop-in workshops: Organised by Jules, these workshops start from £25 per person for a 2-hour session online. Prices in-person vary slightly based on the cost of travel and venue hire. You simply pay for yourself and turn up on the day - online or in real life!

Bespoke workshops: Organised by you, these are charged per workshop or per series of workshops. Available online or in-person. If you would like Jules to design a new theme of workshop for your specific group, this may also incur additional charges to cover time developing the content especially for you.


Sign up to Jules' mailing list to keep up to date with workshops she has planned.

Contact Jules for more information about arranging a bespoke workshop for your group or company. 


You can choose from yoga themes or lifestyle themes. Here are some popular and suggested themes.

ॐ Yoga themes: If you already do yoga and you want to break things down or go deeper into a particular part of the practice, Jules' yoga-themed workshops are for you. Here are just a few of the themes available. Suggestions/requests welcome!

- Beginners
- Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
- The Core
- Pranayama (The Breath)
- Balancing
- Warrior Flow
- Meditation

These workshops are a fantastic forum for experienced yogis to brush up on fundamentals, deepen their understanding and challenge their personal edges. With the exclusion of 'Yoga for beginners' and 'Meditation', all of Jules' yoga-themed workshops require some prior yoga experience.

ॐ Yoga for beginners: Jules' yoga workshops for beginners go back to basics to take you through the foundations of the flow. It can be intimidating and confusing learning yoga for the first time and so many classes - particularly online - don't break things down for beginners. These workshops will leave you feeling comfortable to join any class and get the most out of it without any danger of injuring (or embarrassing) yourself!

ॐ Yoga for back & neck pain: Relieving neck and back pain is easier than you might think, even if you've suffered for years. These workshops, originally developed with a physiotherapist, focus on helping you rediscover your effortless natural posture through subtle but powerful realignment. This involves a balance of two key elements: engaging and strengthening certain core muscles; and relieving tension in other muscles which have usually been overcompensating (and causing pain).

ॐ Yoga for stress & anxiety: Yoga is one of the best things we can do to help ease stress and anxiety. Jules is somewhat of an expert about anxiety, having suffered with debilitating panic attacks in the past. If you've been going through a tough time recently (who hasn't?!) and built up a lot of tension, Jules' yoga and meditation workshops for mental health will get you out of your head, back into your body and leave you feeling refreshed. She'll also teach you techniques to build your resilience to stress in the future. Find out more about her work helping people overcome severe anxiety at How To Brave.

ॐ Yoga for companies: These workshops are designed for companies wanting to offer yoga for workers to help combat the effects of repetitive movements or working in the same position all day. Musculoskeletal issues like back pain are the leading cause of long-term sickness in the workforce. Whether your staff are at a desk, in a workshop or on the shop/sales floor, Jules teaches people how to stretch and de-stress during the day at work, as well as how to develop sustainable posture to prevent pain from coming on in the first place. Workshops also include breathing and meditation techniques for stress-relief. No workout clothes nor mat required!

ॐ Desk yoga for home workers: Learn how to do yoga at your desk! As you already know, sitting at a screen all day is one of the worst things for your health. Fortunately, you don't need to find an hour to do a full yoga flow; all it takes is a few minutes a day and the right techniques to instantly relieve postural pain and ease an overwhelmed mind. Jules' desk yoga workshops will teach you simple moves you can do again and again as well as breathing and meditation techniques for stress-relief. No workout clothes nor mat required! 

ॐ Yoga for singers: As a trained singer herself, Jules runs bespoke workshops for singers to help set your voice free. Singing is a whole body experience so these workshops take a holistic approach as well as focusing on key areas including: optimal posture, breathing function; neck and throat mobility; and jaw and tongue tension. You can book a workshop for your vocal group or choir. Head to Jules' vocal coaching website to find out more. Read Jules' article published in iSing magazine: Yoga can transform your voice to find out more about her thoughts on this topic. 

ॐ Yoga for dancers: Jules' has designed yoga flows for amateur dancers, based on her long-term passion for salsa dancing. Many of us come to dance for the first time as adults and naturally bring with us restrictions in the body which can limit our ability or even lead to injury. Jules' yoga workshops for dancers focus on a combination of strength, balance and flexibility as all three are vital to sustain a happy and healthy dancer over the long-term. All ages and abilities are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Get in touch to organise your workshop or sign up for Jules' mailing list to hear about future workshops.