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What past and current students have to say about Jules' teaching

Here are some testimonials about Jules' yoga classes, private sessions and workshops by current and former students.

If these aren't enough, check out the yummy gifts one student brought to my class in Southampton! (Scroll down)

What her students say:

"After a stressful day at work, I bundle into Jules's class and come out feeling refreshed, revived and standing a little taller."

"Jules is a brilliant teacher, she makes the most of my strengths and I have really felt myself progress under her guidance. I love her guided meditation and found it to be deeply relaxing and liberating. I can't recommend her enough as a yoga teacher."

Yummy treats from one of Jules' regular students

"Jules delivers her class in an intimate gorgeous environment , It doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner or have practised regularly for years, her teaching adapts to your needs. I thoroughly recommend that everyone should experience yoga with Jules."

“Jules has a fantastic amount of knowledge and enthusiasm for Yoga and this shines through in her teaching. The classes are for all ages and abilities and you’ll soon find you’re benefitting not just in your body, but equally the mind and soul alike.  Say goodbye to the stresses of the 9-5, it really works…  you’ll leave smiling, inspired and energised.”

“Excellent teacher. What I was looking for. Caring and knows yoga 100% so you won’t be guided in the wrong direction. Lovely person too. Thank you for understanding my personal needs.”

“Friendly, relaxing, informative. Improves flexibility, increases strength. All I had hoped for and more.”

“I have been attending Jules’ classes for the past 3 terms. As a first-timer I was a little nervous but have found the classes to be welcoming and jules' approach to be fun, helpful, attentive and friendly.  As a distance runner she has been able to work around my sporadic injuries and my back feels better than it has in years. Progression has been at a steady pace and I look forward to my weekly class. My increased confidence means I regularly use these postures in my day to day life.”

“Jules is a warm, friendly, caring and very knowledgeable tutor.  Her classes have the right combination of postures, combined with the breath and mindfulness.  I have no hesitation in recommending her and, being a retired Yoga tutor myself, I am choosy!”

“Very clear instruction – nothing too much trouble.”

“Lovely relaxed approach – can work at your own level without pressure. Nice friendly atmosphere and often tries to incorporate suggestions.”

"I so look forward to my weekly yoga sessions with Jules. Her calm and gentle persona ensures sessions that are relaxing and thoroughly enjoyable. Smaller, more personal classes allow complete support in all breathing and sequences and therefore correct practice. Thus, my fitness and well-being have certainly been noticeably enhanced. I highly recommend Jules and her yoga classes!" 

“The consistency of practice doing the same postures in a set ‘theme’. The care and attention to detail and consideration of pupils’ needs. The general wellbeing the whole practice brings.”

“Surprised how much I enjoyed yoga, being more of a high impact exercise person. Very relaxing whilst making muscles burn as well. Will definitely keep it up.”

“I find class very relaxing and enjoyable. Good explanation how to understand yoga and how to do on exercises to use that to practice. I love it.”

“Have thoroughly enjoyed my first experience of yoga and have booked a second course. Tutor is knowledgable and presents the class with skill and humour.”

“The class is a great way to unwind after a long day and is in a relaxing and supportive environment.”


“I love the class! Getting better every week. Really enjoy the meditation at beginning and end.”

“Very good instruction and I have very much enjoyed this class. Thanks.”

“It is really relaxing and the positions are really easy to follow and learn. I feel a sense of calm after every session. Thank you.”

“I was very enjoying. All classes was excellent. Wonderful, amazing, very relaxing. For me very helpful because I have got problem with my back. Now I feel lots better. Teacher the best!! Thank you very much!”

“Jules’ classes are consistently friendly and relaxed. Classes are pitched at the perfect level and plenty of variations offered. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her classes.”

“Friendly, fun, challenging (if you want it to be). Relaxed style of teaching. Highly recommended.”

“I start looking forward to the Thursday evening class by Monday! Wonderful relaxation time – amazed to have found my core after all these years!”

“Friendly, relaxing and fun with clear instructions. I never feel I don’t want to go. Will give good, sound practical advice if you have a problem and this is given during the session also so you can adjust.”

“Clear teaching / instructions. Lovely atmosphere – friendly, relaxed, encouraging. You can do as much or as little as you like – no pressure.”

“Really enjoyed classes with Jules. Always great atmosphere. Makes you feel welcome. Great person.”

“Don’t have to cook the tea if I’m here. Always feel good when I leave. Very relaxing class.”

“Jules has an in-depth knowledge of yoga postures, meditation and philosophy, as well as a gentle yet confident manner and years of teaching experience.
Although I have been practicing yoga for some time, I started taking private lessons with Jules because when doing yoga alone I sometimes find it hard to see my alignment and hard to decide when to come out of a pose.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced, Jules will help you let go of thinking and deepen your practice by concentrating more on your breath and body.
She has a lovely studio and her private lessons are great value for money, as well as allowing you to arrange dates which fit in to your personal calendar. 
Jules is an excellent yoga teacher that I have recommended to my friends."


“An excellent example of class instruction.”
Rie Brown, Head of Programmes at Lymington Health and Leisure Centre

If you'd like to have your say, just contact Jules directly to add your thoughts to this growing list.