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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you wanted to know about yoga with Jules

Q  How do I book?
Q  Why yoga?
Q  What style of yoga is it?
Q  Don't I have to be bendy?
Q  Do I have to learn all the theory?
Q  I'm a beginner. Is this yoga right for me?
Q  I have injuries, is yoga good for me?
Q  I'm pregnant, can I do yoga?
Q  I'm a little older, can I do yoga?
Q  Is it just for girls?
Q  What should I wear?
Q  Do I need to bring a mat?
Q  What is good yoga music? 

Q: How do I book?

A: Please contact me directly for private sessions or workshops. 

Q: Why yoga?

A:  Four words: Strength. Flexibility. Balance. Relaxation.

In life we’re always looking to do better: whether it’s sleep better, eat better, be a better parent, a better boss or a better deep-sea diver!

Our hunger for improvement, for growth is innate. Usually we try to better ourselves by pushing harder, sacrificing more, resting less. Usually this all just makes us feel worse. We have it upside down.

I believe when you feel better, you’ll do better.

Yoga helps you feel better. The rest is just inevitable.

Q: What style of yoga is it?

A: The style of yoga I teach is based on Ashtanga Vinyasa with emphasis on the co-ordination of breath with movement in - and between - classic postures.

My sessions are designed to suit the often mixed-ability students who attend. Everyone follows the same flow of postures but I give variations throughout the class for beginners, more advanced yogis and those with injuries.

Read more about the style of yoga I teach.

Q  Don't I have to be bendy?

A: No at all. Nor is yoga simply about becoming bendy. If you're very inflexible, yoga will work wonders to ease that tension and open up your body. But it will do much more than that.

Yoga is about bringing the body into balance with increased strength as well as flexibility. The two go hand in hand. As you become stronger it is important to keep muscles supple. Equally, as you open the body and become more flexible, this has to be supported with strength. 

Q: Do I have to learn all the theory?

A: I easy answer is no!

“Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory.” - Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

The beauty of the practice is that you can learn everything you need to learn through your body on the mat. In fact, it’s often best to leave your mind out of it!

Think of the difference between reading a book on sailing, and going out in a boat on the water.

There is a lot of ‘theory’ or philosophy in yoga, which you can discover, and this is incredibly vibrant and valuable in itself. But this wisdom is something that was gleamed over thousands of years from experience of the practice, in order to help pass down the teaching from guru to student.

The mind doesn’t ‘understand’ yoga and then teach it to the body, rather the body ‘gets’ yoga and the mind catches on if and when it’s ready! In truth, the experience of ‘doing’ yoga is much more vast and all-pervading than the mind could ever grasp.

Q:  I'm a beginner. Is this yoga right for me?

A:  Yes, you are very welcome! I always have a lot of beginners in my classes and I love introducing new people to yoga. If you have specific concerns just give me a call for a chat, or check out the other FAQs. Read more about yoga for beginners.

Q:  I have injuries, is yoga good for me?

Yes. Always get advice from your doctor or specialist first. However, yoga can heal all sorts of injuries and health problems.

Read more about yoga for injuries which includes my personal story as yoga helped me overcome a traumatic injury. 

Q:  I'm pregnant, can I do yoga?

A:  The body changes significantly during pregnancy and it's important to support these changes with the right exercise, and also excellent to prepare for the physical and emotional demands of labour.

There are excellent yoga teachers around who specialise in ante-natal yoga. If you have never done yoga before you must start with a specialist teacher. I don't teach ante-natal myself but I'm happy to point you in the right direction and recommend someone in your area.

Q:  I'm a little older, can I do yoga?

A: Yoga is a appropriate for all ages. I teach a lot of people in their 60s and 70s and they find it really beneficial. If you have specific concerns please just give me a call or check out the other FAQs.

Q  Is it just for girls?

A:  Yoga was developed by men originally and is fantastic for both sexes.

If you're worried about feeling outnumbered in class, don't be - roughly half of my students are guys.

Q:  What should I wear?

A:  Wear loose comfortable clothing, something that doesn't restrict your movement but which isn't so baggy it will get in the way. It is best to wear shorts or trousers that are no longer than ankle-length.

We practise barefoot so there's no need to bring socks or trainers. However, some people like to have socks to keep their feet toasty during the meditation. Always make sure you have a warm jumper to conserve heat after class.

Q:  Do I need to bring a mat?

A:  If I am coming to you for a private lesson, I will bring all the necessary equipment with me.

If you are attending a workshop, you will need to bring your own mat. 

I'll make sure this is all clear when you book your session.

Q:  What music do you recommend for yoga?!

A:  I love to have music playing when I do yoga but it's important that it doesn't get in the way of the practice.

I created three hour-long playlists that I lovingly put together on Spotify. I've added the song lists here. Enjoy! Do let me know your personal favourites too!

If you have other questions not covered here please just contact me.

Find out what my students have to say about my classes and private sessions in their testimonials